Update as of 7/4/2022 at 8:21 PM EST.
This article is a follow-up to "'Call Gov Kemp': SGA Encourages Students to be Instruments of the Abortion Cause".
After several complaints to the Georgia Tech administration, University System of Georgia Board of Regents, and the Student Government Association, the June 28th 'Resources for Reproductive Health and Advocacy' post on Facebook and the SGA website was removed. However, on Instagram, the original post remains with a modification. The eighth slide, titled, "How to Protest Safely" which suggested that students wear "heat resistant gloves", "cover identifiable tattoos", and "don't have anything you would not want to be arrested with on you" was removed from the slide deck. Instagram introduced the feature of removing individual photos from carousels in November 2021.
Many students feel that this action is still not enough. The updated guide on Instagram still contains a directory of websites and hotlines for obtaining an abortion, suggests a list of pro-choice organizations for students to donate to, and encourages students to contact Democratic party leadership "to emphasize the importance of making protection of abortion rights a party priority" and "call Governor Brian Kemp and let him know you disagree with efforts to implement Georgia's LIFE Act and any restrictive legislation". The author of "'Call Gov Kemp': SGA Encourages Students to be Instruments of the Abortion Cause" argues:
SGA [fails] to represent pro-life students by not providing fair consideration of the views of all undergraduate students, violating Article VII of the bylaws. The resources provided do not provide abortion alternatives or suggest how pro-life students can advocate for their cause through donations or political activism.
The "Reproductive Justice Resource Guide" is still available through the LinkTree attached to the Instagram profile.
It is unclear exactly why these changes were made, as there have been no statements from SGA or Georgia Tech administration on the issue.
On July 4th, the Georgia Tech chapter of Students for Life published a statement regarding the controversy.
The Jacket has reached out to SGA for comment. This is a breaking story, check back for updates.
The SGA post has been archived here. //
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