A man was shot and killed in an officer-involved shooting on Sunday, August 29, 2021 around 2:42 PM in Home Park.
According to GTPD Chief Robert Connolly, this situation was a person in crisis issue. The suspect, Gray Bell, told his ex-wife and others that he wanted to take his life by getting involved in an altercation with the police. He showed up to the scene intoxicated and on drugs.

Georgia Tech Police Department (GTPD), Georgia State Patrol (GSP), and Atlanta Police Department (APD) responded when a concerned individual notified GTPD about the situation. According to 95.5 WSB reporting, Bell was detained by officers at approximately 3 PM.
GTPD isolated the incident for APD and GSP and secured the perimeter to keep the campus safe. They also issued a GTENS alert notifying students to stay away from incidents, which occurred outside an apartment complex at the corner of Home Park Avenue and State Street. Home Park residents were cautioned to stay inside.
According to a Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) press release, APD and GSP officers blocked Bell’s car to prevent him from fleeing the scene. He then exited his vehicle, brandished a gun, and chambered a round. APD and GSP officers opened fire. Bell was pronounced dead at the hospital; he was the only fatality.
GSP requested the GBI to conduct an officer-involved shooting investigation.
If students ever find themselves near a dangerous situation like this, Connolly advises them to “notify [GTPD] immediately.”
He encourages students to reach out if they know someone struggling with a mental health issue: “If you see a fellow student in distress, call us immediately. We’ll coordinate with the resources on campus and do our best to make sure they get the help they need.” //
Christopher Kitchens
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