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What We're All About
So, You Posted Something Political.


Politics wasn't Supposed to be Like this.

Let's Turn Back Time...
Things Aren't The Way They Used To Be.
For centuries, the greatest minds would publish their ideas, reasoning, and evidence in pamphlets, journals, and books. These writings were published, sold, and shared across communities and nations. Entire schools of thought were established, and movements were born.
The Internet!
Instant and accessible communication opened the door for instantaneous correspondence with others anywhere on the planet.

Social Media made it Easier for Everyone to Share their Ideas.
But what did that do to our Political Discourse?

With Little Room to Explain Your Point of View, You Have to Truncate and Enfeeble Your Opinions to "Fit".

The Internet Gives Everyone an International Microphone, and Rewards Impulsive, Dishonest, and Foolish Debate.


We Provide an Open-Minded Platform for Students to Intelligently Share what Matters to Them Without a Word Limit.
Writers May Share Whatever They'd Like, as Long as They Present it with Quality.
We're Striving to Showcase Viewpoints from all Perspectives so that We Can Grow by Learning from One Another.
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